Fill out your Door of Hope Inner Healing and Deliverance School Interactive Application Form Now!
2025 Class Dates
January 20- July 21, 2025
Online Classes on Telegram on Mondays Nights
7-9 CST
See flyer below to see the Special Discount for 2025 Class: its $50.00 Discount
Each Class includes:
1 hour 15 minutes of Teaching
30 Minutes of discussion and prayer
Enrollment is not complete until the enrollment application is completed, and emailed back to Door of Hope ( then pay the tuition ($150.00) and the registration fee ($30.00) and the book has been purchased.
Step 1) Fill out Application and email it back to
Step 2) Choose payment options. We have 3 payment options.
Option 1- Pay in full $180.00 ( $30.00 Registration fee & $150.00 for Tuition= total $180.00)
Option 2- Pay a split payment of $75.00 ( $30.00 Registration fee) at signup and a final deposit of $75.00 by January 20, ( by January 20 when Class starts)
Option 3- Pay $50.00 at Door # 1, Pay $50.00 at Door #2, Pay $50.00 at Door # 3 and final payment of $30.00 before Class ends if you want to recieve a completion certificate and a typed prophetic word in the mail.
If you’re choosing option 1) There are Website buttons for those options. Or send to the following:
Click website buttons to pay or
Payment can be sent to:
Cash App:$Bonjarun Rodriguez
Zelle: 832-331-5057
Or mail check to Door of Hope Ministries
P.O.Box781, Deer Park,Texas
Step 3) Order your Book: There is a Link in our store to purchase the Book or go to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or other websites. They are listed on our pages.
This averages out to be less than $8.00 a class. The registration fee covers all the printing we do for a completion certificate that you receive at the end of the 21 weeks along with a prophetic typed word that you get in the mail.
Come join us on a journey from Captivity to Freedom. Door of Hope 21 Week Online School with Telegram. Our next class starts January 20-July 21,2025. Every Monday Night from 7-9 CT. Please get enrolled! You’ll be so glad you did!
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The twenty-one weeks of this course will change your life and help you find hope in the dark place. Your dark place can be anything from divorce, to an abortion, or an addiction, to losses and loneliness. You may feel like a fifth wheel in a society where you can’t connect or you don’t feel like you belong anywhere.
You may have been going through some troubling circumstance or struggling with a certain situation for some time now. If you want to experience the power of God in your life, it is critical that you find out what God promises in His Word. He doesn’t want you to stay in your current situation; all it takes is your unwavering belief in what He says in His Word. No matter what is happening to you in your dark place, God is waiting for you to reach out to him to help you find hope again.
“For You formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.” (Psalm 139:13-16)
You decide what your priorities are going to be. You decide which direction you are going to take each day. Now is a great opportunity to make a new commitment. We don’t know what the future is going to bring. We don’t know what problems we are going to encounter. We don’t know what changes are going to come. But whatever the future holds we don’t have to be afraid, because Jesus Christ is going to be walking with us through every step to victory!
However, we must prepare for a heart change, where we will no longer blame any oppressor, spiritual or natural, for the things we desire to accomplish in our lives. We have to decide to put an end to all our excuses. In order to see restoration happen you will need to make one decision that will alter the whole direction of your life. This is not a time for you to be lazy, vulnerable and giving an allegiance to the wrong things or people. We can no longer wait on God to conclude something that He has already empowered us to do. This decision involves ending some things. It involves succeeding at obtainable goals, just as much as it involves reaching for some impossible ones. So, ask God (yet again) to begin some new things in your life. But don’t do it without examining the things He has told you to bring to an end. Although it may not be comfortable or popular, it is time. God has an awesome plan for your life. As you let Him have the center of your life, He will take you where you are supposed to be. If you want to be free, you have to reach for HIM!
My prayer for you (and me) is that we always run toward the arms of a loving God who wants to help us even in the dirtiest place. God wants to pour hope into you. We must understand that God is the source of everything we have and need. Will you let Him have the center of your universe? Are you ready for the journey from captivity to freedom? Get ready for a big door to open that will take you into your destiny! I’m excited to see it happen in your life! Let God turn your heartbreak valley into a Door of Hope!
Healing School
Come join others learning and participating in inner healing for a life dependent upon God, the Father.
Door of Release
Come to the Lord as the victim, set up for abuse. Change your allegiance from the ones who victimized you, and come to the Lord for RELEASE through FORGIVENESS!
Door of Restoration
Come to the Lord in brokenness and ask Him to restore what has been taken! He sets us free from our dependence on others. We can count on Him for RESTORATION!
Door of Reward
Come to the Lord where the process of restoration has begun, and we can now see a manifestation of the REWARD and begin a NEW LIFE!
Week One – Introduction to Door of Hope Ministries 21-Week Mentoring Classes
Door One: Door of Release… Lessons 1 -7
Spiritual Freedom
Week Two: Lesson 1 –Atonement: God’s Provision for Sin
Week Three: Lesson 2 –Repentance & Surrender
Week Four: Lesson 3 –The Holy Spirit Will Birth the Will of God in Our Life
Week Five: Lesson 4 –The Tabernacle Symbolism
Week Six: Lesson 5 –God’s Authority, Order, and Discipleship
Week Seven: Lesson 6 –Measureless Grace
Week Eight: Lesson 7 –Intimacy with Christ
Door Two: Door of Restoration… Lessons 8 -14
Emotional Freedom
Week Nine: Lesson 8 –God’s Plan for Inner Healing and Deliverance: Breaking Curses on the Bloodline
Week Ten: Lesson 9 –Changing my Negative Image of God, Myself, and Others
Week Eleven: Lesson 10 –Choosing Forgiveness
Week Twelve: Lesson 11 –The Process of Forgiveness
Week Thirteen: Lesson 12 –Overcoming the Need to Judge
Week Fourteen: Lesson 13 –Soul Ties
Week Fifteen: Lesson 14 –Renewing our Mind to God’s Word / The Confession of God’s Word Builds and Fixes the Landmarks of Our Life
Door Three: Door of Reward… Lessons 15 – 20
Physical, Financial, and Social Freedom
Week Sixteen: Lesson 15 –Physical Health Boundaries
Lesson 16 –Time Boundaries
Week Seventeen: Lesson 17 –Financial & Work Boundaries
Week Eighteen: Lesson 18 –Gifting Boundaries
Week Nineteen: Lesson 19 –Relational, Marriage & Blended Family Boundaries
Week Twenty: Lesson 20 –Your Inheritance Boundary…The Spoken Blessing
Week Twenty-One:–We Celebrate YOU!
I came to find Christ and learned to build a relationship with Him when I most needed it in my life. I always believed in God and I prayed now and then, but going through Door of Hope and coming out on the other side with a better understanding of who Christ really is, has helped turn my life in such a positive direction.
I was in a truly broken state with my marriage. I felt so lost, unloved, desperate, but above all, hopeless. I had given up on my marriage. I felt I made a huge mistake in choosing the partner I always believed I would be with for the rest of my life. I needed a way out and was looking for an excuse.
One night alone in my bedroom, I was reading the Bible hoping for some kind of guidance and direction. I cried out to the Lord soaked in tears and desperate for guidance. I opened up the Bible and started reading. A peace came over my spirit that night and I knew that God was going to help me. I had no idea what I was reading, or what it meant, but I knew He would be there for me. I felt it in my spirit and my soul.
That Thursday, my friend calls me and says, “My friend keeps asking me about you. She is asking if you have considered going to those classes, to Door of Hope.” I said, “ Yes, I have been thinking about it, but when is it?” She responded, “ Tonight!” I said, “Wow, that was quick, but I felt like I had to be there, and I went, when Bonjie started explaining what Door of Hope was about, and that is was based on the book of Hosea…she asked us to go home and read the entire book to get an understanding about it. That night I could not stop crying when I came across the same verse the Lord guided me to when I cried out to Him in desperation. It was then I knew this was the answer to my prayers. He guided me to the book of Hosea and I did not even know what I was reading. Or what it meant, but He had a plan for my life and I was committed to Him. I knew going through Door of Hope is what He wanted me to do, and I made a promise that I would not let anything come between me coming to this class. The obstacles have been tough, the surrender a relief, and the result, a work of God. It is by His measureless grace that I am here now giving my testimony of what God accomplished in my life. Learning about His love, forgiveness, living in the spiritual world, relationships, and finding a balance in this life has helped deliver me from the prison I was in. I have learned to depend on God and seek Him and His companionship for everything in my life.
He wants a relationship with you and He is committed to take that walk with you until the end. I have learned that if you trust and depend on Him. He will show you miracles beyond belief. He took me out of my broken state and restored me to my position as rightful heir to His kingdom. This life is a walk and relationship with Christ. HE will show you His wonders and power and will bring you closer to Him in a way beyond your imagination. He is still doing a work in my life, but He has restored my marriage to a point where I am no longer hopeless or in a need for love. I am complete in Christ and require nothing from my husband. I have learned to love him for who he is and accept him with all his faults, just as God has loved and accepted me with all my faults and sins. When you know God’s true love, you are able to love others freely in Christ. God is my salvation and freedom to a new life in His love and thanks to Him and Door of Hope, I will never be the same again!
Adriana Chavez
The first night I sat in this class, after three years and all of the life altering changes that occurred since the first time I took Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School classes in 2011. I looked down at the book in my lap and thought of how difficult my life was from back then and it seemed so real. The Lord had been showing me the significance of the number “three” in connection to my life and my ministry. So I was amazed that the Lord brought me back to Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School three years later. After three years I never expected I’d take the class a second time. I knew I would return to give the “Valedictorian Speech” for the next graduation class, but I didn’t know I would repeat the class. But God ordained that I should walk through the “Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School” once again.
The first time I went to the class, God used it to teach me about toxic people and how there were certain people that were destroying my life and were blocking me from reaching my destiny. I had spent years crying out to God for help, and yet Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School was the answer. He showed me yes, I had to love them, yes I had to forgive them, but No, I did not have to have them in my life hurting me on a regular basis. Before the class was even over, God began to close the doors. But it meant me losing my car, my home, and my way of life, and ultimately my husband. And then the hand of God transported me to another city.
In addition to learning about toxic people, I learned the most valuable lesson of who I was in Jesus. I had been saved for 35 years, but didn’t grasp this. After the drastic changes in my life, which I knew were God ordained, He tested me. He was putting the final touches on the vessel He started creating me to be in answer to a prayer I prayed in 1991. I prayed, “Lord, make me a vessel for Your glory that You can fill and spill out onto others.” He has given me several visions for my destiny and going to Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School has set me on that path. Over these three years He has done some serious work in me and reconstruction and birthed my ministry called, “Shepherd’s Heart.” Then He opened the door for me to return to Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School for two purposes: To complete things that He started the first time and also to use this vessel for filling and spilling onto others. He was teaching me to step out into my gifts and callings.
Over the last three years, Satan has used my losses, trials, and tribulations to make me forget “WHO” I was in Jesus, and he broke my marriage to Jesus bracelet twice. God used Door of Hope Mentoring and Healing School 2014 to remind me who I was “in CHRIST” and to restore me to my position in the Kingdom. I repaired my bracelet and married “My ISHI” once more- which was even more important this time since I’d become a widow. I am not alone because I have My ISHI, My HUSBAND JESUS, My Lord and Savior, My KING FOREVER!
I have a renewed sense of who I am in Him, and I can do all things through Him because if He is for me, who can be against me? I am ready to move into my destiny that I was created for and I see things before me lining up. And soon I will be teaching this class to prison inmates because I believe in this course! It has changed my life and now I want to share the gift because it has brought me from captivity to freedom and whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Bonjie! All Hail King Jesus!!
Jacqie Justina King
I came into this pretty much an unwilling participant. I knew I had issues and problems that needed to be dealt with, but they were my issues and problems and I wasn’t ready to let go and let God or anyone else tell me how to run my life, even though I knew how I was running it wasn’t working. Guess you could say I’m a little stubborn.
As the weeks went by and I sat through the first few classes, I finally started thinking about how I wanted my life to be and how doing things my way wasn’t cutting it. I started listening and realized that God was the only one that was going to change my life and that he did love me and I could give up my old hurts and addictions and let Him come in and clean me up from the inside out.
By the time we got to Door 2, I started realizing that I was still holding onto so many past hurts and in order for me to get totally free I would have to let go of those hurt feelings and forgive from my heart. I also knew that I needed to forgive the past hurts so that God would forgive me of all my wrongs and sins.
My entire life I had always placed my self-worth on how I looked and how others saw me on the outside and in going through Door of Hope I was shown that only God can determine my self-worth and that I am His beloved. I had so much self rejection and had always felt so rejected by my father, so I did any and everything I could to push others away before they could get too close and reject me. I see now that my father was only doing what he knew and that I had to forgive him so that I could be forgiven and be set free.
Throughout my life I have had many issues with addictions. And as I got older those addictions changed, but it was always something. I have been set free from all my addictions, I no longer have any unforgiveness towards my father and we are working on our relationship and I give all the glory to God because without Him I would be stuck in the same place going around that mountain one more time. And now God can do with my life what HE has had planned all along.
Monica Lowth
I came to Door of Hope through a relationship with Bonjie and hearing about Door of Hope and what it has done for others.
I feel the class has really given me the information I need to walk closer to God in many ways. I felt the prayers were something every Christian needs to be praying.
I know that like everyone I also had some unforgiveness in my life and needed to be set free from that.
Another area I needed help in was setting boundaries and feel this class helped me to see the areas in my life where I needed to have boundaries.
I am glad to see Bonjie teaching on the gifts and walking in the fruit of the Spirit, because I used to walk in the gifts but not in the fruit of the Spirit. It is essential that we walk in the fruit of the Spirit because the devil does not care if you have gifts, if you are not walking in love.
This class can really help those that are suffering from a poor self-image. It helped me to focus on who I am in Christ and not on my own failures.
This has been the second time around taking Door of Hope’s 21 week Course. The first time was back in 2011 and each time I have taken it.. Transformation has taken place in me… It has given me the ability to see through a new pair of eyes. I was much more comfortable coming into this class and being around groups of people. After taking DOH, the first time, I was asked to become a board member and board secretary. Talk about astonishment… I still can’t believe it, but that and this has been ALL the Lord… I was so scared and I felt like I was in no position to do that.. But see God’s plans are greater than our plans…
We walk in such limited thinking due to past hurts and traumas and those same old programs playing over and over again in the background of our lives… Some of those ungodly strongholds/programs, I was very aware of and there have been some the Lord had to reveal… The Lord revealed to me the horror I went through as a little girl was horrific and even if it only happened one time to me it was still horrific.. I tried to make excuses of it truly wasn’t that bad that my father molested me from 3 yrs old to 13 yrs old… He didn’t beat me during those times…Unaware in fact that something was being stolen from me and I was absolutely helpless…I was being told over and over and over it was good, but I knew in my heart something was wrong… But he was my father and I loved him so I did what I was told. Through that brain washing, I learned to not trust my own instincts because ultimately they were wrong…Believed that my voice was a destroyer and when it wasn’t used to destroy it had no value… I was told and told others in authority, but no one listened. I believed the Lie that I was the one who destroyed my family… and I vowed I would be the one who took care of my mother from that point on for the rest of her life because it was all my fault. My Mother was very broken. One moment, I was the love of her life and the best thing since sliced bread to the other end of that spectrum. And I never knew how, when or what would set her off… It’s not really funny ha ha… but I can totally relate to the characters in Disney’s Tangled with the relationship -Rapunzel had with the Mother Gothel. But see that was another ungodly stronghold the Lord revealed to me… If I never faced the truth how could I possibly be healed of the hurt, the trauma, and all the open wounds? Did I want to see these circumstances for what they truly were??… NOOOO I didn’t, but GOD!!
Opening ourselves up to the Lord and showing Him all these places we are broken in and pushing through the shame or the ‘I just don’t want to face life today’ was my challenge. When we continue in our hurt and pain these wounds and traumas can cause physical issues. I have experienced physical pain for most of my life to the degree of not being able to walk. These issues had been dismissed by others in my life like…you are just lazy …you’re not in any pain… You look perfectly healthy to me so if I can balance 10,000 things on my plate you can put forth some sort of effort… so I took on that same mindset and told myself it isn’t that bad… Just push through the pain… There were times I pushed so hard I couldn’t stand on my own two feet without hitting the floor. If it wasn’t every month it was every other month that I was sick with something and I listen to the voice of others saying oh you must have allergies …I’ve got that so take something and push through the pain.. And not listening to my body… I chronically had bronchitis and walking pneumonia. I knew I hurt all the time, but I was not proactive in finding out what it could be… it was more of the mindset of just deal with it. It wasn’t until my hair started falling out that I sought out help. Chronic Anemia.. That would be a great reason why I was lethargic. (lol) Made me think of the woman with the issue of blood… I finally saw a chiropractor for the first time in my life… The Dr Report was arthritis in the spine, degeneration, bulging disc, pinched nerve, bone spurs, flipped vertebrae, sciatica…. And the list went on… OB/GYN report was high grade lesions/abnormal cells… Had I not relinquished this to the Lord I truly believe I would have not have stepped out in search of answers and continued in such a state with a steady decline.
The latest Ob/gyn report was a normal PAP!!! WHAT?!! I am having another colposcopy done to confirm the findings…. I only share all this personal information to show others when we don’t let go and let God in… we wind up with a multitude of afflictions HE never wanted us to experience in the first place. HE desires freedom… freedom from bondage… freedom from the oppressor… freedom to experience the fullness of what His Precious Son Jesus died for and resurrected so we too can share in that freedom. I don’t want to go through life and believe all the pain and all the hurt was for naught because His Word tells me that He will use it for His Will and His Purposes… He can and will bring healing and restoration… And the exciting part of that is one never knows in what form that healing transformation will come….
The Lord had delivered me from a multitude of addictions from the seeds that were planted. ie: Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, multitude of unhealthy sexual addictions including pornography. Still working on anger issues, to experience the fullness of the marriage bed and it is not being a perversion. The layers of shame, self hatred, unworthiness, rejection are melting away… The program of the responsibility of caring for and living under an authority figure who I believed I was beneath is dissipating. My head knowledge of this deception is beginning to align itself with heart knowledge of the correct and perfect order of the Lord in His Word.
At the start of this class in 2016, my stance was one who hunkered her shoulders over and held my head lower than the person I was speaking to. Now at the end of this class, I now stand straight up with my shoulders back and my head held high. No longer do I believe I deserve to be put to shame… I am just as bright a star in the eyes and the heart of my DADDY as anyone else… and His Word says HE is a Shield about me and the Lifter of My Head. (PS 3:3)
Door of Hope Inner Healing & Deliverance School
P. O. Box 781, Deer Park, Texas 77536
Copyright © 2023, Door of Hope Inner Healing & Deliverance School. All Rights Reserved.
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